AWSAR has been running child helpline (1098) services under Integrated Child Protection Scheme with the support of Childline India Foundation. AWSAR has been providing care and support services in the form of recreational services, reintegration with the families, referral services to appropriate agencies, impart education and provide medical aid and assistance to street and working children, orphaned, abandoned, run away and missing children. AWSAR receives a number of calls from children in distress and need of support and care. AWSAR provides them basic health services, shelter, education, recreation and food before such children are rehabilitated through institutional services provided by Childline India Foundation.
The financial assistance provided by Childline India Foundation is not sufficient to meet the various other needs of children such as shelter. AWSAR would like to strengthen its child helpline services by providing quality services to children with the support of likeminded supporters.
Dankaur is a place surrounded by brick kilns where migrants come from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal to work on brick kilns and earn a living. Their children at brick kilns find it hard to access education and all other services due to remote location of brick kilns. Also since both parents come for work, in absence of any care giver, either they play in mud, take care of their younger siblings or help parents in brick fields to earn a decent living by achieving the daily targets set by contractors. Such children also start working at very young age to maximize the family income. AWSAR has been running such centres and sees an urgent need to address the issues of children neglected from their rights.
With support from donors AWSAR would like to engage children at brick kilns in constructive activities by imparting basic education, recreation and health services for their overall development. It would also motivate their parents to get them enrolled with nearby government facility.
A strong foundation is needed to construct a strong and large building; similarly education is an important tool of broadening the human horizons while pre-primary education is a foundation which helps in constructing successful human lives. It becomes important because, by the time of going to primary school a child can read, write and count easily. Besides the other care and support a child needs be given opportunity to attend quality pre-primary education in a safe, secure and child friendly environment. AWSAR runs Early Childhood Education and Care Centres for Children in the age group of 3 - 6 years looking at the dysfunctional condition of ICDS centres in various project villages, and absence of pre-school education component.
AWSAR would like to run pre-school education centres with the support of donors and strengthen the existing ICDS centres.
A large number of children are enrolled and go to government schools only to get mid-day meals as teachers in government school do not teach properly and are engaged in administrative works. The quality of education imparted in government schools and small privately run schools are almost the same and no parent wants to send their children to government school. These children are either the victims of being able to learn less than their age and lose interest which ultimately leads to drop-out. The area has a significant number of Muslim populations where young girls are not allowed to go to school out of the village. Such kind of situation generated demand for a programme which can cater to drop-out girls as well as those who need additional support to reach to their education standard. The learning centres caters to academic as well as other developmental needs of children and quality education far exceeds than many government or privately run schools.
With support from donors AWSAR would like to run after-school and non-formal education centres in Dankaur with its focus on Muslim community.
AWSAR believes that education solely cannot lead to empowerment until youth get employable skills. Indian has an acute shortage of skilled manpower to meet the needs of growing industries. Only vocational employable skills can get youths a decent living. AWSAR runs vocational training centres to empower youth to earn a living. There has been a greater demand from youths of such courses, however in absence of adequate funds makes scaling-up difficult. Skill development and vocational training would get youth employment, increase income level, improve quality of life and reduce poverty. BPOs, retail, mobile and laptop repairing, accounting and record keeping have a huge demand.
AWSAR would like seek funding to develop a sustainable model for vocational training and skill development.
AWSAR with the support of donor will establish Youth Resource Centre to provide youth of the area a platform to work for their overall development. AWSAR has been associated with Youths since its inception and youths have been a great help in reaching out to community as a volunteer. AWSAR has been taking care of their recreational needs but do not have enough resources to provide them dedicated services.
With the support it would like to establish Youth Resource Centres (YRCs). Youth Resource Centres will give youth opportunity to interact, share and re-invent themselves as responsible citizens and become social change agents.
Increased human life span as witnessed in the preceding decades has not been accompanied by good quality of life for majority of older Indians. This is mainly because of break of joint families, industrialization and location of the young bread-winners to places other than the home-place, widening disparities in thinking due to generation gap, high cost of living, scarcity of living space followed by many other reasons like changes in the family structure, physical and behavioral status, organization and dynamics of social systems. For the aged, the care provided should be tailored to meet each individual' s needs. A comprehensive care that includes preventive, curative and rehabilitative services is essential for this group of population.
AWSAR needs financial assistance to establish resource centres for senior citizens to help them to live a happy time and spending good time with similar age group and share their interests.
AWSAR has been organizing awareness campaigns on various including the right to information, right to education, health, hygiene and sanitation in its project area. AWSAR build the capacity of community to make it capable of accessing available government' s welfare and development schemes by disseminating information on various government schemes meant for poor. A demand of building capacities of farmers on various agricultural technologies, farm machinery maintenance and management, crop and paste management came from various project villages.
AWSAR would like to establish community development resource and information centres to build the capacities of community in accessing the available opportunities for their growth and development. AWSAR would also like to impart trainings, educate, and generate awareness among the young farmers on various farming techniques, animal husbandry, advance and modern technologies and promote and disseminate organic farming, Vermi composting, Nadep Composting and application of various innovative rural and agriculture based technologies.
A healthy society is the backbone of any economy, and it is rightly said that health is the wealth. AWSAR fosters environment for good health of people through awareness generation and information dissemination on sanitation, nutrition, stress management, physical as well as mental well-being etc. AWSAR is also looking for support to provide basic reproductive and child health care in the project area. AWSAR has been participating in various health awareness campaigns. It has been observed that there is no awareness on reproductive and child health related issues because of which a number of women and children suffer from various ailments. AWSAR has been successful in generating awareness on health, hygiene and sanitation and provide basic check-ups so that appropriate action can be taken on time.
AWSAR believes that there is a greater need for awareness generation and information dissemination in the project area.
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